Today I picked up the Aluminum Profile for the strongback. I decided to go for this Out-of-the-shelf solution to save myself a lot of time. Instead of building a straight one and mess around with routing, cutting and glueing I bought the following profile:

This Profile is quite heavy (approx. 30kg) and sturdy. After finishing the last business call for 2018 I could not resist and rushed down to the garage and lined up the sections. 2/10th of oversize for the cutouts is definitvely the lower limit. The sections fit well but tight. It took me 30 Minutes to get all roughly aligned.
The result looks like this:

Next I have to set up the garage and turn it into a multipurpose Bike-Store-Boat-Building-Facility (BSBBF). And I have to pickup fine grain wood to build the boat. I will follow Ulf’s path regarding the wood. Cheap but fine instead of bed-cove milled. The boat will be colored so this doesn’t matter anyway.
Some Details:

I am pretty excited how the whole thing turend out so far! More to come soon! Best Regards,
Hi Axel!
Great to follow your build, and be able to comment as well.. 🙂
/ Ulf
Hi Ulf
Looking forward to it and the new experience with readers interaction 🙂
Hope the protection will last and we will not get nuked by the spammers…
I’ve allways used Akismet anti-spam om my WordPress blogs. It works great and catches all spam mail. Highly recommended.. 🙂